

In the earliest years (kindergarten through first grade), the children sing primarily pentatonic melodies without harmony. There are times when we will introduce the interval and pentatonic flutes and the pentatonic harp in the early grades.

Beginning in grade three, the students learn a more mindful approach to music, in keeping with their developing self-consciousness. In this grade, we move on to the diatonic flute and sing rounds. Most importantly, each student begins individual instruction on a string instrument. With guidance from the music and class teachers, parents are responsible for the arrangement for a private teacher and the fees involved, and the procurement of an instrument. Group string lessons are part of the third grade weekly curriculum, and are therefore free of charge.


Waldorf School of Atlanta's middle school String Chamber Orchestra playing the Allegro from George Fridiric Handel's Concerto Grosso Opus 6, No. 1 arranged by Sandra Dackow recorded on May 14, 2015:


Playing violin or cello, whichever the student chooses, trains the ear in a deep way. Students refine their sense of pitch as each note is created by their fingers. The tangible vibrations of the string resonate near their heart through the flowing movements of the arm. In keeping with the Waldorf understanding that children aged seven to fourteen are in the feeling phase of life, we strongly encourage students to play their string instruments throughout their elementary and middle school years. However, we recognize that for some children a change to a wind or brass instrument may be beneficial in fifth grade or above.


In the middle school, string ensembles, recorder groups, and choirs are formed and offer musical performances to the community within and beyond our school. Elements of musical theory are woven into the musical curriculum each middle school year. We also explore the lives of composers and aspects of music history. The soprano recorder is introduced in fifth grade, the alto recorder in sixth grade, the tenor often in seventh grade, and the bass in eighth grade.

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The Waldorf music teacher takes a primary interest in each child's musical development but other adults also contribute to and support these efforts. The class teacher plays a vital role either by singing with the class and/or by playing recorder with them. The relationship each student develops with his or her private teacher is an important one, while parents help by supporting concentrated and regular practice times at home.

Our Music Faculty:

Lisa Port, Music Director
Jessica King, Orchestra/Violin Teacher
Will Goodwin, Chello Teacher
Nick Edelstein. Ukelele Teacher
